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Which creatives are most effective in promoting a specific niche: creative or technical? Our case

How do you promote a product that most people have never heard of? In this case study, we’ll tell you about an interesting study with advertising creatives that our marketing department conducted while setting up a lead generation for a heat pump manufacturer.

The CMO of the project is Serhii Soloviov.

Case navigation:

  1. Our customer
  2. Stage one. Identifying the problem
  3. Stage two. Solving the problem
  4. Artistic creatives
  5. “Technical” creatives
  6. Test results

Our customer

Celeste Energy is a company that manufactures and sells heat pumps.

A heat pump is a type of equipment that collects scattered heat energy from the environment (water, air, or soil) and converts it into heat energy. 

This is how you can ensure the availability of air conditioning, heating, and hot water supply for residential and industrial facilities. 

Advantages of heat pumps: 

  • heating costs can be saved up to 4 times per season compared to using electric and gas boilers;
  • they have a simple design that allows you to avoid major repairs for up to 20 years;
  • belong to the “green” heating systems: no emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, no use of resources (firewood, gas, coal) that are difficult to renew — heat pumps operate only on electricity;
  • can be used for heating, air conditioning, domestic water, and pool heating;
  • the heat pump can be used as the only source of heat or in combination with other heating devices;
  • fires, explosions, and leaks of substances hazardous to life and health are impossible because there is no fuel and no contact with fire.

Specifics of our customer:

Which creatives are most effective in promoting a specific niche: creative or technical? Our case

Stage one. Identifying the problem

After conducting market research, we learned that heat pumps are a little-known product. The target audience hardly knows what they are and what advantages they have over other climate systems. And this problem minimizes the effectiveness of advertising

Stage two. Solving the problem

Given the business problem, for effective lead generation, it is important to create advertising creatives that will attract the audience’s attention and evoke certain emotions. This will increase the chance that the ad will be remembered, people will try to understand how the product works, and make an order.

To determine which creatives will draw more attention to the ad and have a high CTR (audience interest), we created several groups:

Which creatives are most effective in promoting a specific niche: creative or technical? Our case

Creating creatives at Solve Marketing starts with a team discussion. The team offers their ideas, the project manager writes them down, and then the most interesting ones are included in the terms of reference for designers.

Artistic creatives

Creativity is a powerful marketing tool that attracts attention and increases the audience’s interest in an unfamiliar product.

The creatives we created to advertise heat pumps consisted of two important elements:

  1. vivid photos, mostly of people and animals, to visually convey the desired emotion and evoke a certain association;
  2. a competitive advantage that solves the problem of the target audience — high heating costs.

“Technical” creatives

In parallel with the artistic ones, we have created a group of “technical” creatives. Their goal is to appeal to an audience that understands what heat pumps are.

To create the “technical” creatives, we used:

Which creatives are most effective in promoting a specific niche: creative or technical? Our case

Test results

It turned out that creative creatives aroused interest, but had a lower conversion rate. Instead, “technical” creatives attracted a more targeted audience.

This study demonstrates that to achieve a high CTR and get the desired number of targeted actions, you need to test different variants of advertising creatives. This way you will find the most effective ones.

Results of heat pump promotion through Facebook ADS

Despite the limited period of work — only 2 weeks — we were able to attract leads interested in installing heat pumps. Read more about the results in numbers:

Which creatives are most effective in promoting a specific niche: creative or technical? Our case

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