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Як зменшити ціну конверсії ліда у клієнта на 40% усього за місяць?

How to reduce the price of conversion of a lead into a customer by 40% in just one month?

The main service of our agency is an outsourced marketing department, one of the components of which is lead generation, setting up, and launching Facebook and Google Ads. 

In this case, we’ll talk about preparing, setting up, and launching Facebook ADS advertising campaigns for a customer: from creating creative to converting a lead into a customer. We will also tell you how we managed to reduce the cost of conversion by 40% in just 1 month! 

The project is a service sector, a service for booking and redeeming tickets for bus trips on the Ukraine-Europe-Ukraine routes.

The CMO of the project is Sergey Solovyov.

Case study navigation:

  1. Identification of project features
  2. Research
  3. Achievement of the goals
  4. Results of advertising campaigns

Approximate time for case 12 minutes

The first stage. Identification of project features

We met our customer in 2022. It is a Ukrainian company called Dva Bileta. It is a modern service for booking and purchasing bus tickets for buses from Ukraine to Europe and from Europe to Ukraine. The company has a number of advantages that distinguish it from its competitors:

  • over 14 years of experience in the transportation sector;
  • employees with over 30 years of experience;
  • individual route selection for each customer according to the request;
  • the ability to travel with pets on certain routes;
  • working with carriers exclusively under official contracts.

During the consultation with the customer and getting to know the business, we formulated the goal and main needs of the project.

It is important to note that the goal of cooperation was also influenced by the fact that the company resumed and reformatted its services during the full-scale war in Ukraine. Therefore, we had to use the 14 years of experience and reputation of the service not only to increase leads and sales, but also to ensure the basic need of the passenger — safety during transportation.

Goals and objectives of cooperation:

  1. increase the number of leads and customers of the service;
  2. reducing the cost of conversion from a lead to a customer;
  3. popularization and brand awareness;
  4. building trusting relationships with service customers;

Project needs:

  1. to increase the number of leads, namely requests for booking and direct purchase of tickets for Ukraine-Europe-Ukraine bus trips;
  2. to achieve more efficient conversion of incoming applications into customers as the number of leads increases; 
  3. create systematic marketing. Connect advertising tools, update the logo and create a corporate identity for the service.

We identified problems and formulated a problem-solving strategy:

  • research the market and analyze competitors in the niche;
  • research the target audience and its needs;
  • formulate a work plan;
  • create a website for the service;
  • set up an advertising campaign on the Facebook lead form;
  • set up and launch advertising on the service’s social networks;
  • write texts and creatives for advertising campaigns that will attract the attention of the required target audience and evoke emotions.

So, the customer asked for a comprehensive service — an outsourced marketing department, so we started cooperation. However, in this case study, we will focus on setting up advertising campaigns and promoting the Dva Biteta service. 

Stage two. Research

We engaged a team of specialists to work on the project:


In preparation for the launch of the advertising campaigns, we conducted extensive research and learned

  • how the customer’s business is organized
  • the target audience of the customer;
  • basic needs and interests of the target audience;
  • what affects the quality of advertising and how to improve it;
  • main competitors: what is common and what is different. What to do to be different from competitors.

The research allowed us to build a strategy for the project. We proposed: 

  • create a communication strategy;
  • create a website based on expert content and selling points;
  • set up an advertising campaign on Facebook ADS.

Stage three. Achieving the goals

1. Launching the lead form

While the site was still under development, we created a landing page that allowed us to quickly launch advertising. We created a lead form:

The advertising campaign on lead forms brought in a lot of applications, but their conversion to sales was low: most of the received leads were not targeted. Thus, we received 173 leads with an average cost of $2.41, but most of them remained leads: customers did not answer the phone when called back by a Dva Bileta manager or ordered from several companies at the same time. 

Ad campaigns in the ad format with similar settings showed much better results. During the same period, the PPC on messengers brought us 243 dialogs for $2.58.

How to reduce the price of conversion of a lead into a customer by 40% in just one month?

That’s why we decided to turn off ads on lead forms and focus on scaling the rest of our advertising campaigns. 

2. We created creatives to launch an advertising campaign on Facebook ADS through the service’s social networks

In accordance with the established branding, we developed a series of creatives for social media and conducted research on which ones attracted the most attention and had the highest audience interest — CTR.

The following examples of creatives were developed by the designer in accordance with the terms of reference, based on the client’s positioning and taking into account several important marketing factors:

  • placement of information on the picture according to the “F-pattern”, which helps people to quickly read information, highlighting the most important nuances for themselves;
  • accentuated headline and visual elements that “present” the service;
  • contact information of the service, if the customer needs to verify the accuracy of the information;
  • use of marketing triggers, in particular, greed and security triggers: “More than 80% of seats for New Year’s bus trips have been purchased” and “Safe payments and reliable carriers”.

We created an advertising funnel and drove interested customers to book tickets on Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct, but decided to go deeper into scaling messengers and added WhatsApp as well.

3. Creating advertising texts

We usually prepare several variants of ad copy and test each of them. The ones that show the best results become the basis for the next ones. 

“You can pay right away, or you can pay the driver at the door!

Safe transportation to Europe with the possibility of payment upon boarding!

✅ Discounts for children, teenagers and the elderly;

20 years of transportation experience;

✅ Only licensed routes and official carriers; 

✅ The opportunity to travel with pets.

Book tickets and find out more details on the website:

Or by phone: +38 050 333 59 89″

The above text showed the best results in attracting leads because it took into account several important factors for the customer’s decision:

  • simple and short to read;
  • variability and security of payment: a passenger can either buy a ticket immediately or pay for it upon boarding. 
  • availability of only licensed routes;
  • advantages of the service;
  • contact information.

4. Remarketing 

Remarketing is a type of targeted advertising where ads are shown to users who have already visited the advertiser’s website or social media, bought its products, and used its services. 

Customers are much more likely to use a business or service that they are already familiar with and have had positive experiences with. Therefore, we could not ignore the target audience that was already a passenger of Dva Bileta, because they were convinced that it was a high-quality and reliable ticket booking service. 

Thus, we set up remarketing for website and social media users.

Results of advertising campaigns for the Dva Bileta service 

The goal of our work was to reduce the cost of converting a lead into a customer: to achieve the lowest cost per ticket sale. The result was not long in coming! 

The systematic and high-quality work of our specialists made it possible to achieve the cost of the lowest conversion of $3.6 in December 2022, which is 40% less ($1.6) compared to November 2022, when it was $5.2.   

In the reports, we took into account the following indicators:

  • CTR — number of clicks on an ad;
  • CR — conversion rate. In our case, this is the number of visitors to the ad who left their data to issue a ticket and contact the company’s manager, which is a lead;
  • cost per contact — how much it cost to convert a lead into a customer.
How to reduce the price of conversion of a lead into a customer by 40% in just one month?

But we are not resting on our laurels. This is only an intermediate result! Our next goal is to reach the mark of 600 booked and sold tickets with the lowest advertising costs. 

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Any lead generation and sales increase starts with a consultation. 

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