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+12,215 subscribers for $0.172 for a fitness trainer — a case-study

Are you tired of spending efforts on developing your personal blog, but the number of subscribers is not increasing? Aren’t you sure how to promote your account and turn it into a powerful tool for selling your services?

The case-study of a fitness trainer and nutritionist will show you how. Read how the right strategy and effective creatives can turn your blog into a magnet for customers.

(A small disclaimer: we only work on attracting subscribers in combination with other tasks aimed at attracting customers. You can find out more about this service here → leadgeneration)

Responsible for project management: Andrii Sokoliuk, RRS Specialist.

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About the client

Customer is a fitness trainer and nutritionist known for his unique methodology that enables clients to eat nutritious and delicious foods while losing weight effectively. His approach to nutrition and training has helped more than 7,000 women achieve their desired shape and improve their quality of life. However, at the beginning of the collaboration, there was a need to improve his personal blog promotion strategy to attract more followers and reduce advertising costs.

Client’s request

The client ran his own Instagram blog, where he “warmed up” his audience and occasionally sold his weight loss programs. That’s why he wanted to increase the number of his target followers. The main task was to increase the number of targeted subscribers on the blog with the help of targeted advertising.


The first step was to develop a clear promotion strategy. It was also determined that the key to attracting new subscribers is to clearly communicate the main idea of the blog: the opportunity to eat delicious food without limiting to your favorite dishes, and at the same time lose weight. To do this, we created advertising texts, offers, and creatives that conveyed this idea in an attractive and understandable way.

After several stages of testing various hypotheses, the most effective combination of messages and visual content was found. During this process, several variants of ads were tested with different emphases: on delicious food, on client results, on the personal approach of the trainer.


Advertising campaigns were launched to increase the audience for video creatives, where an expert provided useful information and motivated viewers to subscribe to the page. Among the videos that showed the best results were:

  • “How to choose the right chocolate so that it doesn’t affect your figure”.
  • “Shawarma recipe for those who want to eat right”.
  • “Why you don’t need to eat poorly to lose weight”.

On the screenshot, you can see the results of the advertising campaigns:

+12,215 subscribers for $0.172 for a fitness trainer — a case-study


Thanks to a thorough analysis and optimization of campaigns, we managed to significantly improve the results. In particular:

  • The overall CTR (Click-Through Rate) was 3.03%, which indicates high audience engagement.
  • The cost per click decreased to $0.04, which helped to save the advertising budget.
  • We managed to attract 12,215 new subscribers with an average cost per subscriber of $0.172.

It is especially worth noting that due to constant testing and improvement of advertising campaigns, the initial cost of acquiring subscribers was reduced from $0.275 to $0.13-0.15. This significantly increased the return on investment in advertising and enabled the client to achieve their goals faster.

  • Сooperation time: 7 months.
  • Advertising budget: $2101.
  • CTR: 3,03%.
  • Cost per click: $0.04.
  • Subscribers: +12,215.
  • Cost per subscriber: $0.172.
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