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How using a quiz allowed us to get 13,013 leads and reduce the cost per lead to $1.18

A company that sells auto parts for cars and agricultural machinery across Ukraine faced the challenge of effectively managing customer communications. Their goal was to reduce the workload of managers, simplify the order handling process, and reduce the cost per lead to $1.5. To achieve these goals, the company decided to implement a quiz to collect data from customers in advance and hire a traffic expert to scale their advertising campaigns.

Responsible for project management: Andrii Sokoliuk, RRS specialist

Service: lead generation

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Project goals

The client had two main goals:

  1. Implementation of a quiz to reduce the number of communications between managers and one customer.
  2. Optimization of advertising campaigns and traffic scaling to increase the number of applications and reduce the cost per lead to $1.5.


We started with a detailed analysis of the client’s existing advertising campaigns and competitors. The main strengths and weaknesses of previous strategies were identified. Based on this analysis, the specialist developed new advertising texts, offers and creatives.

One of the key solutions was the introduction of a quiz that allowed potential customers to provide information about their car or equipment before contacting the manager. This facilitated the transition from a standard lead generation strategy to using the goal of “conversion” in advertising campaigns.

Implementation of a quiz: a new approach to working with clients

Prior to the introduction of the the commercial offer, the order handling process looked like this:

  1. The buyer leaves their data in a form on the website.
  2. The manager contacts them, specifies the car data for the selection of shock absorbers.
  3. The manager selects the shock absorbers.
  4. The manager calls the buyer again to name the price of the shock absorbers and place the order.

This approach required a lot of time and resources from managers. The quiz made it possible to automate data collection at the first stage, which significantly reduced the time for order processing and decreased the number of necessary contacts with customers.

When completing the quiz, the buyer filled in all the data that the manager needed to select shock absorbers. That is, it was enough for the manager to call the buyer once to name the cost of the shock absorbers and get the data to send. Thanks to this, each manager was able to process 30-35 requests per day instead of 15-20.

After testing, we had to abandon the quiz, since managers had a lower conversion rate to sales based on the results of the quiz compared to lead forms.

Advertising goals

Within this project, we worked with the advertising goals of “lead generation”, “conversion” and “notification”. Lead generation showed the best conversion to sales.


During the work, more than 10 different audiences were tested in the search for working connections.

Retargeting campaigns gave the best results, with ROI of 400-600%.

Examples of advertising creatives:


Launching an advertising campaign on the Meta platform with a new approach has brought amazing results, here are some screenshots from the advertising accounts:

How using a quiz allowed us to get 13,013 leads and reduce the cost per lead to $1.18
How using a quiz allowed us to get 13,013 leads and reduce the cost per lead to $1.18
  • Advertising budget: $15,239.
  • Number of leads: 13 013.
  • Cost per lead: $1.18.
  • ROI: 218%.


Implementation of the quiz and optimization of advertising campaigns allowed the company not only to achieve its goals but also to significantly exceed the expected results. Thanks to the new approach, the cost per lead was reduced to $1.18, which is 21% less than planned, and ROI reached 218%. This proves that the right strategy and the use of innovative tools can significantly improve business performance even in competitive industries.

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