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How a construction company increased the number of applications for stretch ceilings and gained 331% ROI

In this case-study, we describe how a company specializing in real estate decoration, including the installation of stretch ceilings, received 765 applications with an ROI of 331%.

Responsible for project management: Andrii Sokoliuk, RRS specialist.

Service: lead generation.

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About the client

A construction company engaged in finishing work: plastering, puttying, painting, plumbing, electrical installation, and installation of stretch ceilings.

The problem

The company had a specific request: to increase the number of applications for stretch ceiling installation services. Despite the high level of work performance, the company faced the problem of insufficient leads due to the lack of effective promotion in the online space. The main task was to attract more potential customers and reduce the cost of the application.


To solve this problem, we developed a comprehensive promotion strategy that included several key elements:

  1. Development of an advertising strategy. We have identified the target audience and the main communication channels through which information about the service could be conveyed as efficiently as possible.
  2. Writing advertising texts and offers. To attract the attention of potential customers, we created attractive offers and creative advertising texts that emphasized the benefits of stretch ceilings, highlighting their durability, aesthetic appearance, and affordability.
  3. Creative development. The visual part of the advertisement was created with an emphasis on real examples of the company’s work, which allowed potential clients to assess the quality of services before contacting the company.
  4. Quiz for collecting applications. We also developed a special online quiz that helped us segment the audience and collect information about their specific needs. The quiz not only facilitated the process of collecting applications, but also increased user engagement.

Examples of advertising creatives:

Results from the advertising account:

How a construction company increased the number of applications for stretch ceilings and gained 331% ROI


Thanks to the implementation of this strategy, the company has achieved incredible results:

  • Number of leads: 765 applications.
  • Cost per lead: $2.77.
  • Advertising budget: $2124.
  • ROI: 331%.


These indicators not only show the success of the campaign, but also demonstrate that a well-chosen marketing strategy and creative approach can significantly increase business efficiency, even in such competitive areas as finishing work.

Do you want to achieve business results by launching lead generation? Fill in the form and sign up for a free consultation with our marketing experts.

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