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Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad – our case study

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In this case study, we will talk about our experience in promoting the services of an educational agency, namely how our lead generation department works for a project dealing with education abroad.

Project — educational agency Masterstudy.

Project CMO — Serhii Soloviov.

The service — a comprehensive set-up of lead generation: creating a brand book, developing landing pages and lead magnets, setting up and running Facebook & Google ADS.

Briefly about the results in three weeks:

Number of requests140
The average price of the application, $1,67
Lead Generation ToolsGoogle AdsFacebook ADS

Navigation of the case study on the promotion of educational agency services for admission to foreign universities through Facebook & Google ADS:

Approximate time for learning the case – 15 min

Solve Marketing team composition

The marketing department of the project consists of 4 specialists:

Head of Marketing
  1. plans KPIs for the department;
  2. creates the project development strategy;
  3. fixes it by a plan of work;
  4. allocates priorities in team;
  5. controls communication through all channels;
  6. prepares reports;
  7. analyzes results and adjusts work plan
Marketing Project manager
  1. fixes all project tasks in CRM
  2. manages the fulfillment of tasks on the team side and the technical department on the service side
  3. helps to prepare reports
  1. creates creatives and visuals for advertising
Traffic manager
  1. creates, launches and adjusts advertising campaigns;
  2. optimizes advertising effectiveness and budget
  3. makes recommendations on the site, advertising texts and creative ideas

The project is on pause due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops.

First step. Identify needs 

At the beginning of 2022 we were approached by the director of the Masterstudy agency. This is an agency that deals with education abroad. 

Masterstudy is an agency that helps students enter foreign universities. In preparation for admission, the team:

  • assists with career choice by using the Harrison Assessments method;
  • selects the institution based on the student’s preferences and the financial capabilities of the family;
  • accompanies the applicant from the time of documents submission to the universities until obtaining a visa.

Key advantages of the agency:

  • more than 10 years of experience;
  • guaranteed enrollment in universities;
  • client Support for 18-20 months;
  • checklists on how to get support from the state and become a participant in the program, in which the host pays the basic costs for the education. We used them as lead magnets. More details about it in the case study below.

Priority geography of work.

The main geo is Odesa and the region. Masterstudy`s office is located in Odesa, and clients often like to communicate in person. Face-to-face communication increases the level of trust needed when working with parents and children.

After Odesa region, the client considered Kyiv. Here we worked out the option of getting an online consultation rather than just a phone call.

In addition, the agency has another product: HARRISON ASSESSMENTS. This is a special method that helps applicants choose their future profession, and experts learn which areas can be improved for more successful work.

After analyzing our competitors, we saw that many companies/agencies offer career guidance services.

We should focus more on the HARRISON ASSESSMENTS method and its advantages. It is psychometric testing, which allows predicting a person’s behavior. The system generates different types of reports and suggests favorite occupations, personality strengths, how motivation works, how decisions are made, and much more.

In the process of consultation, we identified the main problems and needs of the project:

Problem 1: the number of new leads is low. The number of targeted applications should be increased, which will allow keeping sales at a specific level.

Target: to find at least 3 clients to study in Canada and 5 clients to study in the Czech Republic every month.

Problem 2: an out-of-date brand book for the project.

After discussing the problems, we suggested:

  • research the project and determine what needs to be done first;
  • form a work plan to help quickly make changes to problematic issues;
  • update the project’s brand book to use the updated logo and colors in advertising campaigns;
  • take responsibility for the project’s lead generation and analytics;
  • looking ahead: build a full-fledged marketing department that covers all project issues from content production to promotion and analytics.

During the consultation process, we identified the following features of the project:

№1: the priority countries for education are Canada and the Czech Republic;

№2: there is specific geo to be targeted in the advertising activity;

№3: several groups of the target audience.

Further, we will tell in more detail with the help of what actions we solved the problems of the project and achieved the goals we had set.

Order promotion of educational agency services for admission to universities abroad with Facebook and Google ads

Do you receive a low number of new leads and sales? Order educational agency promotion with Solve Marketing. You can start with a free consultation.

For whom will the service of setting up targeted advertising be useful?

  • you have already tried to promote your business;
  • you are now promoting your business, but you aren’t satisfied with the results;
  • you have studied the courses or webinars to promote your own business.

What kind of results will your business get?

You will get a solution to the 3 main objectives of digital marketing for business:

  • the cost-effective flow of leads;
  • the conversion of leads into sales;
  • brand building.
Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study
Schedule a consultation

Second step. Research

At the beginning of the work, we conduct research that helps us find the answers to the following questions:

Product Analysis
  1. what customer problem does the service solve?
  2. how exactly does the service solve this problem?
  3. quantitative and qualitative features of the offer. What do we offer and how much does it cost?
Competitor activity analysis
  1. what do competitors offer and how much does it cost?
  2. how do competitors’ prices compare to ours?
  3. what advertising tools do competitors use?
  4. are there any interesting examples of competitors’ creatives and advertisements?
  5. how often and what do competitors write about in social networks?
  6. what are the competitors’ strengths and weaknesses?
Website Performance Analysis
  1. what is the path to purchase? Can it be simplified?
  2. what could be decreasing the number of conversions?
  3. are there any pages that we would recommend adding?
A comprehensive audit of advertising tools
  1. how exactly is the advertising set up, and what could be improved to get more conversions
  2. the tone of communication, the brand’s responsiveness to customer questions, responses to feedback, dealing with negativity.

Target audience

The question about the target audience was one of the most interesting in this project.

Initially, the audience could be divided into two large groups:

  • parents who want their children to study abroad;
  • children (schoolchildren) who want to study in a foreign university;

But we considered another group, namely:

  • teachers who may be aware of educational opportunities to study in other countries and motivated to convey this information to children and their parents.

To understand the audience better, we interviewed the project team and created a detailed portrait of each of the three groups. We determined what is not recommended to use in communication with each group, so as not to provoke an ambiguous reaction from them.

Attention to the method HARRISON ASSESSMENTS allowed us to identify a new segment of TA – this is an older audience, not associated with studying abroad, but interested in a change of professional activity. These are people who want to know what works for them and in what direction it is better to move or what can be improved now.

Through the research, we learned:

— how the client’s business works. What we sell and why it is essential for the audience;
— who are the strongest competitors and what should be done to differ from them;
— how to increase the conversion rate of pages used as landing pages for advertising.

What did we do to achieve our goals?

1. Updating the project’s brand book

The client received a brief to update the corporate identity. Yes, the designer started developing a new logo.

We offered the client about 10 variants of the new logo. The main task was to develop a logo that would convey the idea of international education but in a more modern style.

The old logo was:

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study

Options we offered:

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study

The final, approved option:

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study

The planet symbolizes international education. However, the central element was the agency’s name MASTER, and AGENCY could easily be replaced by other products: career guidance – TALENT, education abroad – STUDY.

We used the updated brand book, color and new logo for all the promotional materials.

In addition, we developed a visual template for our lead magnets. Them became checklists that we promoted through Facebook.

Here’s what they looked like:

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study

2. Prepared lead magnets

A lead magnet is an offer to get something of value to a potential customer in exchange for contact information.

These lead magnets were six checklists that were given to users in exchange for contact information. The checklists we prepared to provide answers to common questions that applicants and their parents have.

→ view lyrics for lead-magnet ads

Two checklists were devoted to education in Europe. Thus, users could find out what they need in order to get the opportunity to study at universities in Europe for 1500 euros per year:

  1. check-list: “How to get into an international educational program financed by the government (Austria, Germany)”;
  2. check-list: “How to get education in the Czech Republic for €1500 per year”.

The checklists contained obligatory aspects to be fulfilled in order to receive a training grant from European countries.

As for Canada and the United States, it is very important to prepare properly for obtaining a visa. The most common reason for a visa denial is the lack of proof of financial support.

That is why the checklist “How to prepare a Family’s Financial History for a Visa for University/College Study” was created.

Many applicants consider studying abroad as a chance to stay in another country. We have prepared checklists on how you can legally stay in your country of study after graduation:

  1. “how to get a work permit in Canada after training” checklist;
  2. checklist “How to Get the Opportunity to Work in the U.S. after Training”.

There are special programs that allow you to stay in the country and get a work visa. How to become a participant of such a program is written in lead-magnets.

Another checklist we devoted to how you can get back your investment in education (Canada) after studying.

You can use it to find out how to stay in Canada after studying with an opportunity to work.

You can get them in several ways – through the lending, lead form, and Facebook messenger.

For convenience, we configured the flow of requests into one table.

We set it up so that the team on the client side not just receives contacts, but can guide these leads further down the internal sales funnel right in one document. Yes, we introduced separate pages in the table for all channels: website, messenger and lead form.

From the lead form, requests went to separate pages for convenience, each page had a separate lead magnet and contacts. We added columns where you can update the status of leads, leave comments, assign levels of interest in the agency’s services.

This way of maintaining incoming orders was also convenient because it was integrated into our (team) reporting table. There was formed information about the total number of leads, the number of leads that were converted into the sale, the average cost of applications.

3. We developed a Landing Page

The next necessary step for a successful advertising campaign was the creation of individual landing pages.

The landings were created on the Tilda platform. This website builder is a russian development, so we abandoned it after the start of the war against Ukraine. At the moment the work of the web pages is stopped.

We created two webpages: one about studying in Canada, the second one about studying in the Czech Republic. These pages had detailed information about universities in these countries, lists of universities, customer reviews, and contained forms for contacting the agency team. The team conducted the first consultation for free. A profitable offer 🙂

Landings allowed the team to track user behavior on the site. We identified interesting blocks of content and quickly supplemented the pages with additional information.

4. Advertising texts

We prepared 3-4 variants of advertising texts and set up their testing. The more effective variants become the basis for creating the next ones.

Some examples of texts tested in work with the project:

Canada? The Czech Republic? USA? Which country’s universities are the best? Is your field of study chosen? Are the documents for universities, and visas prepared? And the child is ready for the interview with the commission?

With 10 years of experience, MASTERSTUDY Agency:

✅ guarantees your child’s admission;
✅ provides unbiased career guidance.

Prepare all necessary documents for universities and visas

We can help with any country, but we recommend you to pay attention to Canada. That is why we have prepared for you more information on admission and are ready to answer your questions.

Are you planning your child’s higher education in another country?

Get a free consultation from MASTERSTUDY experts to save money and not lose a year.

✅ 10 years of experience guarantees your admission;
✅ over 1,000 satisfied students;
✅ we take care of collecting all necessary documents for universities and visas.

Texts to promote lead-magnets

LM: financial preparation for studying abroad

Do you want to study abroad? You need not just finances but also a financial history.

Download a checklist to see if your family’s financial history is ready to apply to prestigious universities around the world.

LM: Canada.

Want to study and work in Canada?

Then you’ll want to know how to stay legally in Canada with the opportunity to work there.

LM: Europe (Czech Republic, Austria, Germany) – funding for studies by other governments

Did you know that the governments of Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic finance the education of students from Ukraine?

Studying at a prestigious university can cost as little as 1,500 euros a year! Do not believe it? To be sure, get the checklist for international programs.

And many other versions of the texts

5. Advertising creatives

In promoting a business through Facebook ADS, we need to find a way to quickly bring the benefits of our offer to potential customers. By offer, we mean a combination of several benefits and triggers.

We tested options with an image of the agency’s founder:

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study

We tested variants with a picture of the family:

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study

Creatives for lead magnets

For lead magnets, we used creatives with teenagers and high school graduates. To attract the attention of high school graduates and their parents.

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study
Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study

Google & Facebook ADS

We started working with advertising. First of all, we launched advertising campaigns on Google and Facebook.

At the beginning of the work, we aimed to bring in leads through these channels. But our goal was to create a full-fledged marketing department that would cover all business issues: from content generation to promotion and analytics.

Google ADS

During the Google ad campaigns, we received unsatisfactory results. Even after several iterations of corrections, we were not satisfied with the results.

The costs did not correlate in any way with the results. On average, one click cost anywhere from $25. Later, the price per click dropped.

There were few clicks, because the competition in this source of traffic is very high. So we quickly stopped the extra costs and decided to concentrate all our efforts on working with Facebook.

Facebook & Instagram ADS

Along with Google ads, the team launched Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns. After analyzing the results of the Google ADS campaigns, we realized that we needed to be more active in Facebook ADS. The decision was made to launch lead magnets.

Since launching the lead magnet ad campaign, we’ve managed to get 140 bids at $1.67. The advertising campaign ran for 10 days.

Results of promotion of education abroad agency services through Google & Facebook ADS:

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study
Facebook ADS
Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study
Google ADS

Due to the russian invasion of Ukraine, any advertising activity on the project has been suspended. We hope to renew work on the project after the war is over.

Project Manager, Kateryna

The result of the agency’s work

— updated the agency’s brand book;
— created a marketing strategy that even extends to related Harrison Assessments agency products;
— customized the process for launching ad campaigns and lead magnets. Received 140 bids for $1.67;
— set up results monitoring and prompt adjustments to ad campaigns.

Customer feedback

Setting up lead generation for an agency of education abroad - our case study

Free consultation and audit of Facebook ADS

Do you want to increase your sales? Get a consultation from Solve Marketing CEO Serhii Soloviov. Bonus – free Facebook ADS audit

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