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What to do with abandoned carts: 5 AI tools for email marketing

A potential customer clicks on an ad to visit your website. He chooses your product, goes to the shopping cart, and is about to click the “checkout” button. What a dangerous moment, a little more and… the barbell. The product was one step away from being sold, but was left in the cart.

But don’t rush to get upset, because it’s not the end of the game, meaning you haven’t lost the customer yet. It often happens that online shopping is interrupted by a pizza delivery, a call from your mom, a voice message from a friend, or a TV show. A person only needs to look away from your site for two seconds to forget about the purchase. But you can remind the customer of unfinished business. To do this, there are several effective email marketing tricks that we’ll discuss in this article. Read on to apply effective strategies to increase sales.

Why email marketing?

What to do with abandoned carts: 5 AI tools for email marketing

Email marketing is a way of promoting products or services in email campaigns. Email is still the most effective abandoned cart reminder strategy, despite the fact that this communication channel is mistakenly considered outdated. Just look at the statistics: recipients open almost 40% of abandoned cart emails. At the same time, the average open rate for all emails is 21.33%.

What makes email marketing effective?

Every business can maximize the power of email marketing. To do so, you need a strategic approach and knowledge of the principles of creating a successful email campaign. For the strategy, head here. And let’s talk about ways to increase the effectiveness of emails right now. 

Use effective email marketing tools

The number of customers who return to their shopping carts depends on the quality and capabilities of the email service. In the agency’s internal work and for client needs, we usually use SendPulse. This is a Ukrainian service for creating emails. On the SendPulse platform, you can develop unique email designs without code, set up triggered emails, segment your audience, analyze campaign performance, and much more. 

We are certified SendPulse experts and know how to use the service’s functionality to the fullest. That’s why our clients get tangible results from email marketing.

Motivate customers

For a customer to return and complete a purchase, it’s not enough to simply remind them of an abandoned cart. You need to delve into the minds of consumers to make an offer they can’t refuse. 

There’s a reason why businesses place a warning on their websites that if an item is added to the cart, it is not booked. This message makes the customer think that the product may not be available later. It creates a sense of urgency and limits the time for reflection. This increases the chances of a sale.

You can use a similar tactic in email marketing. Remind the customer that the product is popular and is running out quickly. For clarity, you can add the number of units, which works especially well when you mention that there are 5 or fewer items in stock.

A common reason for abandoned carts is also the “Expensive” thought. Then you can offer a personalized discount or free shipping. The offer should have a limited duration to increase customer motivation. 

Use AI

If there is a shorter way to the result, why choose a long one? Artificial intelligence simplifies many business processes, including email marketing.

There are several benefits to using AI in your reminder emails:

  • Automation. AI can generate email templates that can be easily and quickly customized. Such automation significantly reduces the time spent on email production and increases its effectiveness. Moreover, AI can automatically update and optimize ready-made templates based on feedback and analysis of email performance.
  • Personalized approach. Personalized emails increase the average open rate from 21.33% to 29%. And the click-through rate on links is 41%. This significantly increases the chances of selling an abandoned product in the cart. 

AI helps to customize dynamic content in emails that automatically adapts to each recipient. This list includes the customer’s name, personalized greetings, as well as images and descriptions of the abandoned cart items.

In addition, the technology can select individual recommendations of products that may be of interest to the customer based on their previous actions. For example, if a conditional shampoo seemed too expensive to the consumer, the email may offer a cheaper alternative or a smaller volume of goods.

  • Writing and checking texts. The text of the email, especially the headline, influences the person’s interest in making a purchase. The more accurately you hit the customer’s interests, the more likely you are to sell the product. 

AI will double the speed of writing reminder emails. Simply write a prompt, an instruction for AI, which we described in this article. Generate a few different versions of the email and choose the best one. Then, you can refine the text to make it lively and easy to understand.

Besides, you can ask AI to edit the text, shorten it, or, on the contrary, expand it. 

Choose the time of sending. To avoid spamming customers and causing irritation, you need to choose the right moment. AI will help you determine the best time to send an email to maximize the effectiveness of your reminder.

  • Tracking customer actions on the website. Businesses use machine learning algorithms to analyze customer behavior on the website. Therefore, with the introduction of AI, you will receive data on the products viewed, the duration of sessions, and previous purchases. Knowing the interests and preferences of your customers, you can adapt the recommendations in your emails to their personal needs.
  • Analytics. AI will help you generate unique offers and discounts for different segments. The technology analyzes the likelihood of success of various types of incentives for each customer to complete the purchase. 

AI can also generate a report on the effectiveness of emails to further increase the percentage of opened and completed purchases.

AI tools for email marketing

What to do with abandoned carts: 5 AI tools for email marketing

For writing texts

  • Chat GPT. You probably know about this chatbot, so we’ll just remind you. You can delegate any texts, including emails, to this AI.
  • CopyAi. Another popular AI tool in marketing. This chatbot allows you to generate texts and email subject lines based on Tone of Voice.
  • Jasper. This AI-powered service offers ready-made email templates for building email campaigns, adheres to ToV, and can generate images.
  • Deepl. If you work with foreign markets, this AI-powered translator will help you. The tool will provide ideas for improving the text and suggest alternative wording.
  • Grammarly. This is a great way to improve grammar and generally adjust your email to the rules of the English language.

For creating images 

  • Midjourney. This neural network will help you create a visual email design that will interest the customer and motivate them to click on the link.
  • Dall-E. With this AI, you can create a unique image for your email by sending a reference or creating a text request.
  • Adobe Photoshop. If you need to add or replace certain elements of an image or create a realistic photo, choose this AI tool.

Integrated solutions

  • Yespo. This platform allows you to create automated and personalized emails. AI can add “Others are buying” and “You may also like” blocks to your emails. 
  • Mailchimp. This is another well-known AI-powered email marketing tool that allows you to send emails generated by AI automatically. Besides, Mailchimp can be integrated with your website to set up data exchange and analytics.
  • Brevo. A comprehensive tool for managing communications with customers via telephone services and email. In addition to the AI generator, email topics, and content, the service offers personalization of texts, optimization of sending time, and much more.


Email marketing is the most effective way to win the competition for customer attention. Professional emails can return a large percentage of customers to abandoned carts and increase your sales. And with the use of artificial intelligence, this process will be automatic, emails will be personalized, and the results will be exciting.

But all these opportunities can disappear without a strategic approach. Don’t miss the chance to increase sales and business profits by contacting the Solve Marketing team. In the hands of experienced marketers, email campaigns will be the key to your company’s success.

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